Did you know?

The QM manual for the entire hospital

Actively participate as an author

The GHP provides a structure for organizing and managing procedural instructions (VAs), work instructions, forms and leaflets that must be presented in a hospital's comprehensive QM system in order to convince customers (payers, referring physicians, patients and supervisory authorities) and hospital management of the quality of service provision.

The creation of procedural instructions is much more complex and the scope of a QM manual is much greater than was thought a few years ago. Narrow booklets with euphonious declarations of intent have turned into extensive "white papers".
Quality presentation has become a specialist area like tax consultancy or controlling. Hospital managements need advice in order to master this task. Which topics need to be addressed? In what order? How do you write instructions? What should be included? How do you deal with the wealth of material? What should individual regulations look like? Why do many instructions not work?

GHP® is an advisory tool for hospital managers to manage the task of quality presentation completely, reliably and efficiently. The GHP® is not a certification procedure in its own right. However, those who design their QM system with GHP® VAs can successfully submit to the auditor for a certificate according to DIN ISO 9001:2015 or DIN EN 15224_2017, the accreditation procedure by the JCI or the KTQ® visitor. In each case, conformity with the certification or accreditation catalogs is achieved.

Structure of the GHP

The "Good Hospital Practice" QM manual is divided into 9 chapters. Chapters 1 - 5 contain the description of the QM system.
Chapters 6 - 9 are appendices with documents on treatment procedures (6), task descriptions (7), resources such as equipment, room, material and training documentation (8) and "recognized rules" (9)

The 9 chapters of the QM manual are divided into 22 sections. Each section is preceded by a text with the requirements that result from the standards and whose implementation is described in the following procedural instructions.

The procedural instructions (VAs) include forms, checklists, information sheets, etc.

The chapter and section structure is based on the structure of the certification catalogs. Those in the know will recognize the DIN ISO 9001 or the KTQ® catalog. In order to take equal account of the catalogs, certain changes were unavoidable. The structure finally found has proven itself and is ready for further additions.

The order of the VAs could not always arrange related topics accordingly. Over time, additional topics were added to the catalog. They were usually simply appended to the list so that the initial structure did not have to be rearranged again and again. If the coding changes, it is practically impossible to trace individual documents.

Don't underestimate the problem of making documents findable, avoiding duplication and creating a chronological filing system for archived documents.

The structure of the GHP® may therefore not be changed. It is protected by copyright.

The requirements and their implementation

In the GHP®, the sections are preceded by texts that contain the requirements for quality presentation. They are taken from the well-known certification catalogs, first and foremost of course DIN ISO 9001, but also those of the Joint Commission International, the EFQM and the KTQ® catalog. DIN ISO 9001 had to be interpreted in many places. The JCI's catalog of requirements was very helpful for this. The KTQ® catalog also contains many suggestions, but these are further elaborated and specified in the GHP®.

Titles were formulated for the procedural instructions and brief descriptions of their content were prepared.

In some cases, the thematic division into VAs appears arbitrary. For some, the breakdown is too detailed. Others would have liked to have seen a division into several VAs or missed important aspects.

Further points can be added to the presentation and the list of VAs can be extended. This will certainly happen. However, it is hardly possible to delete VAs unless the topic does not occur in a hospital (e.g. laundry, cafeteria).

Procedural instructions

We have already developed many VAs and placed them as full texts in the QM manual. The document is often very general and must be adapted to local conditions before use. Other VAs regulate processes that occur in the same or a very similar way in every hospital. Then there is really nothing else to do but to introduce them into your own organization.

The model CAs are not standards that can be adopted without further ado. The hope of simply adding a logo to a document and incorporating it into your own QM manual is very deceptive. They need to be read, understood and usually adapted. The sample VAs should be regarded as more or less successful examples to guide the authors when creating their own VAs. Revising them for your own use, which is always necessary, will take some effort in itself. Drafting such documents is by no means trivial - if they are to be of practical use and not just non-binding appeals.

Joint venture

GHP® users can contribute to further development on three levels:


You can comment on any sample VA. Below each VA you will find a field for comments. Enter your name and e-mail address so that we can respond to your contribution appropriately. Follow the development of the document by bookmarking the VA in the "Bookmark on" bar. Or forward the document to your colleagues.

Become a sponsor!

If you feel particularly competent for a topic, we ask you to sponsor the document. You will receive exclusive editing rights. You can (but do not have to) give your name as the author. At your request, we will also place a link (possibly with a logo) to your website where you offer further information.

As a sponsor, you are required to keep the document up to date. Insert changes. Make additions as required. Please note the discussion on the VA, which is automatically sent to you if you subscribe to the discussion on the document as an RSS feed or follow it by clicking on "Subscribe to comments".

As a sponsor, you do not have to fear any editor wars! You alone watch over the further development of the document!

Become an author!

The author makes the most extensive contribution. In particular, new VAs should be added where explanations of a topic are missing at all or are meagre to the point of uselessness. Take over the authorship and - this is only logical - also the further sponsorship.

If you are not releasing your text under GNU license, please indicate the restriction.

Create procedural instructions

If you want to write a new VA, please follow the instructions in VA 3.7.03. The structure of the VAs is explained there. If the subject matter allows, the structure should be adhered to. If this is too cumbersome, you can of course adapt the structure. So far, this has only been necessary in individual cases. If there is nothing to write about individual headings, leave the headings as they are. Simply leave the paragraph blank. Please do not change the order of the paragraphs. This helps the reader to find their way around.

Editing the text

If you prefer to create your text in WORD, please send us the file as an attachment to an e-mail to We place the formatted text in the QM manual. You can then easily edit the text further in the editing function.

If you want to work directly in the form, you will receive the corresponding rights from us as the author (reading and editing the VA for which you have taken over the sponsorship).

If you would like to edit a VA exclusively, please let us know by sending us an e-mail. You will then receive the appropriate editing rights. The text editor will then be blocked for all other users.



Anyone can enter text in the "Discussion" fields for a procedural instruction or another document. A name and e-mail address are required.

If you want to follow the discussion of a procedural instruction, you can subscribe to the commentary.

If you want to change texts, you must register or log in as a "User". To do this, log in under "Register". If you do not yet have a user name and password, you must register. You will receive an email with a password

Then log in under "Login". If you want to work for a longer period of time, you should click on "Stay logged in".

If you have editing rights, you can now customize the page under "Edit" on the respective page. You will then be taken to the editing level.

Text input

You can enter texts directly here, as you are used to with word processing programs.

To do this, click on the "Edit" button below the text section that you want to edit. Headings sometimes have their own "Edit" button. This is always the case if there is no further text under the heading.

The design options are fewer than you are used to with normal word processors. However, inserting, writing and deleting work in the same way as you are used to.

You can copy texts from other programs via the clipboard. You can also copy texts back and forth, but not move them by holding down the mouse button.


You can transfer formatting from WORD.

The best way to see how the WYSIWYG editor works is to open this text in edit mode.

You will find some tools in the editing bar:

For bold, italics or underlining, select the text by holding down the left mouse button. Then click "B", "I" or "U". In the editing window, you will then only see the formatting characters that implement the command.

You can also type in the symbols of the editor

You can also combine these formatting options:

underline bold italics

Headings and outlines must be reassigned. Please limit yourself to the following formatting characters:

Title H1

Heading 1 H2

Heading 2 H3

Heading 3 H4

Subheadings H5

The headings are not numbered automatically. If you want a DIN outline, you must enter this and change it when inserting headings.

Never subdivide deeper than a third level. This only causes confusion. If you still need headings below the third level, insert the subheading without subdivision numbers.

Or you can help yourself with highlighting: If you are creating an ordered list (where the order is important, i.e. mostly completed lists), use the enumeration 1,2,3...(9th field from the right).

If you are creating an unordered list in which the order is unimportant (i.e. mostly non-final lists), use the highlighting with the black dot (8th field from the right).


Please note that you must press the feed key twice for paragraphs to create a paragraph - this also applies if a line ends in the middle and thus gives the impression that a paragraph has already been inserted here.

If you only want a single-line spacing, insert "\\" (AltGr held with the ?/ß key)

Don't forget to save the edit! You are being warned! If you do not save, all text will be lost.

You will then return to the processing window of the VA.

You can link the texts, either within the GHP® texts (chain symbol alone) or to the Internet (chain symbol in front of the globe, external link).

For an internal link, first call up the page to which you want to link. Copy the address from the address bar.

Then go to the place in the editing window where you want to insert the link. You can insert the address there and separate it from the keyword with a vertical line |. Then combine the link and keyword with the mouse and click on the "Internal link" symbol.

It will look like this Recognized rules (only visible in edit mode)

External links are recognized when you enter them as or simply as

E-mail addresses are recognized if they are written as

If you want to set a link to e.g. a word without specifying the path, separate the word with a vertical bar| (usually with the characters >/< together via the AltGr key) This then looks like this (only visible in edit mode!):

Recognized rules


When you have finished, add your signature if you wish (pencil symbol with lines, 3rd symbol from the right).

Don't forget to save!

Attach a document from a file

You can leave a form, table or brochure as a WORD or PDF document and call it up from within the text of the VA. This is always useful for attachments to a VA.

You must first upload such documents to a file. This is not easy. If it is too complicated for you, send the document to the administrator . We will then put the document in the right place.

You must proceed as follows:

In the editing window, click on the "File" icon (the window frame, 6th icon from the right)

The file selection will then open. In the left-hand window you will see the file structure (called namespace here), in the large window on the right the files with details and the instructions for uploading files.

Always load texts and images into the section in which the VA is located. You can get there by clicking on the namespace on the left. Give the files the appropriate coding - then they are organized and easier to find.
Browse your files and upload the document to the namespace. You can upload texts and graphics

Close the file selection!

Go to where the text or graphic is to be inserted. Switch to edit mode. Go to the place where the document should be located.

Click on the "Insert file" symbol (picture frame). The file selection opens. Double-click on the file you want to insert.

The path to the file is displayed in the editing window between curly brackets. If you want to include a link, separate the path with a vertical line |, grab the entire file with the mouse and click on internal link.

If you have any problems, please call the administrator (040-822 907 97)! Or send an e-mail to We will help you further.

Subscribe to RSS changes!

You can subscribe to a page under "USER ACTIONS" at the bottom left. To do this, click on "Subscribe to changes" at the bottom left under "USER ACTIONS" or click on the icon in the address bar of your browser .
