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L BRD Laws Regulations

Estimated reading: 6 minutes 174 views Authors

The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and the Federal Office of Justice make almost all current federal law available to interested citizens free of charge on the Internet. The laws and ordinances can be accessed in their current versions. They are continuously consolidated by the documentation centre at the Federal Office of Justice.

The legal standards in German are available in all formats offered for free use and further utilisation.
The quickest way to find the document you are looking for is to enter the title or abbreviation in a search engine.

Individual standards

Waste Management Officer Ordinance (AbfBeauftrV:2022) Ordinance on company representatives for waste

Licensing regulations for pharmacists AAppO

Licensing regulations for doctors ÄApprO

Occupational Health Care Ordinance ArbMedVV

Occupational Safety Act ASiG

Workplace Ordinance ArbStättV

Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) Act on the implementation of occupational health and safety measures to improve the safety and health protection of employees at work

Medicinal Products Act (AMG) Act on the Trade in Medicinal Products

Narcotics Act (BtMG) Act on the trade in narcotics

Narcotics Prescription Ordinance (BtMVV) Ordinance on the Prescription, Dispensing and Proof of the Whereabouts of Narcotics        

Civil Code BGB, in particular §§ 630a - 630h Treatment contract

Federal Pharmacists' Code with commentary BApoO

Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG)

Federal Nursing Care Rate Ordinance (BPflV) Ordinance on the regulation of hospital care rates

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Family Procedure Act FamFG Act on Proceedings in Family Matters and in Matters of Non-Contentious Jurisdiction

Hazardous Substances Ordinance

Act for more safety in the supply of medicinal products GSAV

Healthcare Professions Act HeilBerG

 Infection Protection Act (IfSG:2023-12) Act on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans

Krankenhausentgeltgesetz KHEntgG Act on Charges for Inpatient and Daypatient Hospital Services

Hospital Financing Act KHG Act on the Economic Security of Hospitals and the Regulation of Hospital Nursing Rates

Medical Device User Notification and Information Ordinance (MPAMIV:2021) Regulation on the reporting of suspected serious incidents involving medical devices and the exchange of information between competent authorities

Medical Devices Dispensing Ordinance (MPAV:2023) Ordinance regulating the dispensing of medical devices 

Medical Devices Operator Ordinance - MPBetreibV:2021) Ordinance on the Installation, Operation and Use of Medical Devices

Medical Devices Implementation Act (MPDG:2020) Act on the Implementation of Union Regulations on Medical Devices

Medical Devices Testing Ordinance (MPKPV) Ordinance on Clinical Trials of Medical Devices


MT Occupations Act (MTBG:2023) Law on professions in medical technology

Radiation Protection Ordinance StrlSchV Ordinance on protection against the harmful effects of ionising radiation

Patient Data Protection Act PDSG

Nursing staff lower limit ordinance PPUGV

Social Code I SGB I

Social Security Code II SGB II

Social Security Code III SGB III

Social Security Code IV SGB IV

Social Security Code V SGB V

Social Code VI SGB VI

Social Security Code VII SGB VII


Social Code X SGB X

Social Security Code XI SGB XI

Social Code XII SGB XII

Transplantation Act (TPG:2024) Act on the donation, removal and transfer of organs and tissues

Transfusion Act (TFG:2023) Law regulating the transfusion system

Procedural instruction

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