Did you know?

The QM manual for the entire hospital

Computer Aided Quality Management

QM has grown with the computer as a tool. Without CAQ, QM would still be possible and necessary, but it would hardly be enjoyable. Where is QM bedded on the cushions of CAQ? Computer-aided quality assurance refers to the engineering use of

What to do? The WHO Global Action Plan on Patient Safety

By Dr. Ulrich Paschen The WHO and its member states have initiated a Global Action Plan for Patient Safety 2021-2030. The plan is aimed at national governments, stakeholders, healthcare institutions and services, and the Secretariat of the WHO.

Commentary on the definition of quality in the IQTIG methods paper

In its methods paper[i], the Institute for Quality and Transparency in Healthcare (IQTIG) has attempted to define "quality in healthcare". Anyone can define a concept as they see fit and practical, provided they follow a few rules.

Comments on the paper of the AG Pflege

The context of the definition of quality should not be sought in care, but where the word "quality" is used.

Strategy for a professional association of QM coordinators (2009)

