Did you know?

GHP integrates structural and process elements of the organisation, the professional groups, the specialist disciplines and the services that the hospital uses to fulfil its task.

Computer Aided Quality Management

QM has grown with the computer as a tool. Without CAQ, QM would still be possible and necessary, but it would hardly be enjoyable. Where is QM bedded on the cushions of CAQ?

Computer-aided quality assurance is the engineering use of computers and computer-controlled machines to plan and implement the quality of products.

Computer-Aided Quality (CAQ) is a digital tool for quality planning, continuous quality improvement throughout the entire product life cycle and quality assurance or quality control during production.

We also have to implement CAQ in our core processes in the hospital and are doing so, e.g. the following: (1) personnel requirements and deployment planning, training, (2) quality control, (3) reporting, communication, records, (4) QM processes in the narrower sense such as management of the QM manual, audits, (5) data acquisition QA, also for control charts, (6) digitalisation of service providers with networking.

Digitalisation-compatible quality management processes in hospitals

What IT solutions are already available or which ones are suitable?

► Processes in the process-oriented organisation

Personnel requirements planning

Personnel deployment planning

Personnel development planning

Training modules for instructions, briefings, training courses, further and advanced training, including success monitoring

Proof of qualification including monitoring of refresher training

Occupancy planning

OP planning

Appointment scheduling in the outpatient clinic, admission

Resource planning with warehousing, ordering, delivery times

Patient-related reporting obligations: Medical reports, transfer protocols, authorisations

Internal reporting obligations: performance statistics, adverse events, use of resources

External reporting obligations: external quality assurance, registration and deregistration in the event of non-fulfilment of requirements, quality reports, infectious diseases)

Means of communication: video conferencing, emergency call systems, alarm plans, data transmission to interested parties,

Telephone address directory and its maintenance

Treatment records (electronic medical file)

Image documentation (X-ray, wounds, clinical findings)

Prescriptions for medicines

Traceability of medical devices

Ordering processes for laboratory, X-ray, consultations, aids, technical repairs

Acquisition, distribution and provision of knowledge in the processes

Support in treatment decisions (diagnostics and therapy)

Knowledge management: access to databases, literature

► QM processes in the narrower sense (CAQ)

Control of documented information (content management systems)

Patient information, information protocols, behavioural instructions

Archiving, data backup, access control

Release before data transfer

In-process controls (QC cards in the process or as target cards from administration and EPA data)


Tracking of reporting obligations, licences, certificates

Monitoring committee activities (appointments, minutes

Audit management

Change management

Follow-up of corrective measures

Calibration management.

Complaints processing

Document control

Project management

Error analysis

►Digitalisation among clinical service providers

Care (especially records, personnel planning)

Laboratory: arrangement, sample identification, reports

X-ray: arrangement, scheduling, preparation of findings, archiving

Transport service


Technical services


