1.2.08 Instruction, training, consulting Estimated reading: 2 minutes 35 views Authors Aim and purpose The hospital offers patients and their relatives advice on health and social issues. The hospital social service advises on social law issues and offers help with home organization or family conflicts. The medical and nursing services offer advice and further training on healthy living and prevention. Area of application Description Resources Risks Documentation Responsibility and qualification Notes and comments Applicable documents Literature Terms Attachments 20 tips for avoiding medical errorsDownload APS Safe in hospital Web links with generally understandable health information: - www.versorgungsleitlinien.de/patientenDetailed patient information prepared from the contents of the National Care Guidelines with regard to the experiences and wishes of patients and healthy people.- www.uni-duesseldorf.de/A WMF/ll/ll_pati.htmThe Association of Scientific Medical Societies provides patient information on many health problems, based on evidence-based guidelines.- www.patienten-information.deJoint patient portal of the German Medical Association and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. People seeking advice can find important information from the medical profession and other providers on health issues here. There are now around 2,000 links on topics such as health, illness, doctor and clinic searches, quality in medicine, patient advice and self-help, which have been compiled and certified according to DISCERN criteria for good patient information (ÄZQ).- www.gesundheitsinformation.dePatient information portal of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWIG). With this service, IQWIG fulfills its legal mandate to inform the public about health issues. The information is based on IQWIG publications commissioned by the Federal Joint Committee and the Federal Ministry of the Interior. 1.2 Patient orientation - Previous 1.2.07 Treatment contract Next - 1.2 Patient orientation 1.2.09 Duty of confidentiality and protection of privacy