1.2.09 Duty of confidentiality and protection of privacy Estimated reading: 1 minute 26 views Authors Aim and purpose Clarification of the critical points in the confidentiality obligation. This includes regulations on confidentiality and data protection. The procedure for photographs, audio recordings, participation in examinations or audits must be regulated in particular. Protection of medical records and other information from unauthorized access or disclosure. Identification and observance of personal wishes regarding the protection of privacy (undressing, covering of hair, etc.) The procedure in special situations, such as informing relatives, suspected neglect and abuse or misuse of alcohol, medication or drugs, must be clarified. Personal privacy must also be respected in hospital. This can include the possibility of storing personal belongings in a cupboard, ensuring privacy during examinations and having conversations undisturbed in a separate room. Patients' names must not be publicly displayed (e.g. on the door). A procedure for obtaining consent should be prepared. Attachments 1.2.09_01_qm_hush_duty_instructionDownload 1.2 Patient orientation - Previous 1.2.08 Instruction, training, consulting Next - 1.2 Patient orientation 1.2.10 Cooperation with self-help groups