4.3 Knowledge management Estimated reading: 1 minute 26 views Authors The hospital management determines how the specialist departments provide evidence that they are aware of new findings on the methods they use, how they evaluate the information and what conclusions and consequences they have drawn from it. The collection and evaluation of literature and reports should cover all methods carried out in the department. The procedure is to be understood as a supplement to further medical training relating to personal qualifications. The management should determine which media are used to obtain information, which databases are regularly consulted with which search strategies and how the evaluation is carried out. The management should ensure that changes in society's requirements for good hospital operation (laws, regulations, guidelines, standards) are made known in good time so that they can be implemented in good time. Literature:Franz Lehner Knowledge Management: Basics, Methods and Technical Support Hanser 2012Andreas Greulich (Editor) Knowledge Management in Healthcare economica 2005 Procedural instruction4.3.01 Library 4.3.02 Literature research 4.3.03 Search for guidelines 4.3.04 Search for individual case reports 4.3.05 Participation in central registers 4.3.06 Evaluation of information services 4.3.07 Checking the configurations 4.3.08 Maintenance of the recognized rules 4.3.09 Training events 4.3.10 Technical literature: QM literature database 4.3.11 Maintaining important links 4.3.12 Journal Club 4.3.13 Creating expert reports 4.3.14 Medicinal product information 4.3.15 Pharmacological advice 4.3.16 Evaluating risk assessments 4.3.17 Patient information 4.3.18 Medical knowledge systems 4.3.19 Databases with official information 4.3.20 Quality of medical literature: criteria for its evaluation 4 Information system - Previous 4.2 Communication and marketing