4.2.03 Central contact point, information, gateway Estimated reading: 1 minute 166 views Authors Goal and purpose The hospital should set up a central contact point. Callers' concerns should be recognised there and forwarded to the relevant departments. Technical requirements for the rapid acceptance of calls with forwarding, call centres etc. must be met. If staff are employed on temporary or agency contracts, these contractual relationships should be regulated and set out in a VA. Processing of enquiries. A procedure should be defined for processing telephone and written enquiries. In the case of telephone enquiries in particular, the caller should not be "passed on" from one office to the next throughout the organisation. Application Description of the process Risks Resources Material Time required Documentation Responsibility and qualification Notes and comments Applicable documents Validation documents Terms Attachments 4.2 Communication and marketing - Previous 4.2.02 Technical means of communication: utilisation Next - 4.2 Communication and marketing 4.2.04 "Customers" and partner surveys