1.1.01 Context of the hospital operation - care mandate Estimated reading: 4 minutes 526 views Authors 1 Aim and purpose Presentation of the hospital's primary objectives (Corporate goals: What does the hospital see as its mission? What should be achieved with this organisation? What is necessary to achieve these goals? What should the organisation look like? Which Employees do you need for this? What are the synergistic effects? Who will be the co-operation partner? What other orders exist? What is the care mandate e.g. in the state hospital plan, how is the care mandate categorised e.g. in a hospital? What co-operations exist? Where are particular strengths seen (portfolio listing). The organisation determines the framework for its purpose and strategic direction. This may include Knowledge of the legal, technical, competitive, market, cultural, social and economic contexts, understanding of the values, cultural knowledge and performance of the organisation. Following the discussion at international, national, regional or local level Mandate assigned by the hospital requirements plan or other planning instruments. Additional goals in the provision of care. The discussion and further development of knowledge on such topics should be pursued. Our own position must be regularly reviewed. From this, a programmatic presentation of the hospital's primary objectives (corporate objectives) should be formulated: What does the hospital see as its mission? What should be achieved with this organisation? What is necessary to achieve these goals? What should the organisation look like? Which employees are needed for this? What are the synergistic effects? Who will be the co-operation partner? What other tasks are to be considered? What is the care mandate e.g. in the state hospital plan, how does the care mandate fit into e.g. a clinic? What co-operations exist? Where are particular strengths seen (portfolio listing)? Explaining the ethical principles and legal standards and observing them in all business decisions that affect the protection and rights of patients. 2 Scope of application The context of hospital services can be presented for the entire hospital or for individual departments/clinics. The considerations must be downwardly compatible, so that hospital concepts can usually only be supplements to specific guiding principles. 3 Description § 8 (Fn 5)Patient-orientated cooperation (1) Hospitals are obliged to cooperate with each other and with registered doctors, registered psychological psychotherapists and child and adolescent psychotherapists, the public health service, the emergency services, the authorities responsible for dealing with major incidents, other health and social care facilities, self-help organisations and health insurance funds in accordance with their tasks as set out in the decision pursuant to Section 16. This includes, in particular, patient-orientated regional coordination of service structures. Agreements must be reached on co-operation. The parties involved in hospital care shall keep each other informed. (2) Mergers to form care units in the field of healthcare and social services are permitted in order to increase efficiency and performance. The processes of hospital operations must not be impaired. The financing obligations result in principle from the proportion of utilisation of the care units. Identification of interested parties Interested parties can be persons or institutions that are directly or indirectly interested in the products and services. In a hospital, these can range from patients and their relatives to neighbours Employees of the hospital Municipality Owner of the facility Interests and requirements of the interested parties Requirements and expectations regarding climate change. Observance of the resulting obligations. 4 Risks and opportunities Which stakeholder requirements can be met particularly favourably, which less so and which cannot initially be met, and at what risk? 5 Documentation Context document 6 Resources 6.1 Time requirement The assessment must be repeated periodically, e.g. during a management review 7 Responsibilities Top management with the involvement of internal experts such as QM coordinators, authorised representatives, managers at departmental level 8 Notes and comments 9 Applicable documents 9.1 Literature, regulations Hospital Organisation Act of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (KHGG NRW) in particular § 8 DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems - Requirements (ISO 9001:2015); German and English version EN ISO 9001:2015 DIN EN 15224:2017 DIN ISO 19600 Compliance management systems - Guidelines (ISO 19600:2014) 4.1 and 4.2 DIN ISO 30401:2018 Knowledge management systems - Requirements (ISO 30401:2018) G-BA QM-RL:2020 § 3 KTQ 2021; Vision, philosophy, mission statement 9.2 Terms 10 plants Template for a description of the hospital context Next - 1.1 Mission and vision 1.1.02 Quality and compliance policy for the hospital