4.2.04 "Customers" and partner surveys Estimated reading: 5 minutes 463 views Authors Purpose and goal The management introduces procedures to recognise the expectations of patients, their doctors and payers and changes in their expectations at an early stage. The aim is also to recognise previously insufficiently understood or unknown patient requirements or preferences. Area of application Survey of patients in the inpatient area. We differentiate between customer surveys and surveys of the patient's perspective (see 5.1.12): customer surveys are concerned with previously insufficiently understood or unknown requirements or preferences of our patients. The patient perspective survey is about the perception of hospital treatment ("through the eyes of the patient"). The methods overlap, but have very different questionnaires. Description of the Edit Concept phase Discussion of the subject of the survey and the framework conditions for the patient survey at management level. Commissioning of the QMK to conduct a survey with the defined objectives. Develop documents and coordinate with management Select contractor for evaluation Cover letter (cover sheet): Details of the stations involved, signatures and details of the QMB Questionnaire: department-specific questions ® Coordination with the QMK of the hospital, so that standardised wording of the questions is ensured. Questionnaire (last page): Return regulations ® Where will the reply collection box / letterbox be placed? Questionnaire in envelope: yes/no Clarification of whether to participate in benchmarking Clarify whether patients should be given a small gift for completing the questionnaire, e.g. a pen with the hospital logo. Submission of department-specific questions to the Staff Council (see also 1.3.20 Employee representation) Presentation of the finalised questionnaire and the procedure at management level, including ward managers The ward managers or delegates nominated by them are responsible for conducting the survey. inform the employees who distribute the questionnaires. Informing the functional areas (e.g. ECG) that a patient survey is taking place (see letter with reference to questionnaire on the web) Preparation phase How many questionnaires should be issued? Ask for the number of treatment cases per month. Each patient should receive one sheet. Surcharge of at least 10 % for losses. Response rate perhaps 40 - 60 %. Possibly set an upper limit such as "at least 50 sheets". Then you have to calculate back accordingly and issue a corresponding number of sheets and extend the period. Have the calculated number of questionnaires printed by the in-house print shop, contact person: If envelopes (recommended A4) are required, order a sufficient number in good time. If a "small gift" such as a biro with a hospital logo is required to motivate patients, order in good time. Provide printed questionnaires (and if necessary envelopes with the small gift) to the ward managers or their nominated delegates. Regulation of the response rate (collection of questionnaires): Allow delivery to the nursing staff. In addition: Create the option of submitting questionnaires anonymously. Not necessary if envelopes are issued. Install and label reply box / letterbox on ward. Survey phase Determine the period for the survey - employees of the nursing service or the medical service distribute the questionnaires at the latest one day before the planned discharge or transfer from the specialist department. If patients are transferred to another ward within the department, the questionnaire is issued on the ward where the patient is discharged. Patients should be informed that the questions after admission refer to the ward where they were first admitted! All further questions should refer to the ward where the patient will be discharged. If the patient is transferred outside the patient's own speciality area, an interview should be conducted as described in the previous point. If the patient is transferred from another speciality, no questioning takes place. On the cover letter of the questionnaire (page 1), the admitting and discharging ward must be noted Evaluation phase QMK gives the remaining questionnaires to the centre for evaluation. Reading in the questionnaires. An electronic solution should be found with the contractor for the evaluation! Determination of the response rate in the individual stations (define minimum number for station, without which an evaluation is not meaningful enough). Feedback phase Presentation of the results ÄD, PDL, administrative officer or in management/steering committees Ward managers and in the medical service At the individual stations Identify and discuss potential for improvement Define quality objectives and initiate improvement projects to realise them. Write project plans, determine who is responsible and start implementation. Note: according to "1.3.20 Staff representation", the staff council must be involved here. Clarify whether the survey should be repeated 1 year later with the same questionnaire. Results related to issuing unit (ward), compact output for management level (Attention: Ensure anonymisation!) Creating the presentation documents for the results Documentation Project plan Questionnaires Report Archiving of the questionnaires for 3 years (?) Resources Material Printed patient questionnaires in appropriate number per ward Envelopes in appropriate number per ward Small gifts in appropriate number per ward Collection boxes on the wards Printing costs Questionnaires Postage Postage, envelopes and small gifts Letterbox (one-off) if none is available. Scanning of the completed questionnaires or working time of the person entering the data Time required Design phase: at least 1 month Preparation phase: 1 month, note procurement times! Survey phase: depending on scope Evaluation phase: depending on scope Responsibilities QMK: Project management ward managers: Issue of questionnaires Contractor for reading the questionnaires and analysing them. PersonTask / ResponsibilityTime requiredÄD / PDLOrderInformationDepartment-specific questionsFeedbackQMKInformationDepartment-specific questionsOrganisationPreparing the evaluationFeedbackSation managementRealisationNursing staffDistributing the questionnaires The technical processes must be discussed with the contractor for the evaluation. Electronic procedures (e.g. EvaSys from Electric Paper) should be used! Applicable documents Literature, regulations 4.2 Communication and marketing - Previous 4.2.03 Central contact point, information, gateway Next - 4.2 Communication and marketing 4.2.05 Referrer survey