1.2.02 Counselling and decision-making for treatment measures Estimated reading: 2 minutes 89 views Authors 1 Aim and purpose Respect for and protection of human dignity and freedom require that the patient is fully informed about the intended procedure and that their consent is obtained before any medical intervention. Under the treatment contract, the doctor owes the patient advice and information. The joint decision of doctor and patient in favour of a medical intervention requires information about the type, scope and purpose of the intervention. In recognition of this right to self-determination, the procedure for obtaining the patient's consent to a medical intervention is set out here. 2 Scope of application This instruction regulates the procedure for informing patients about the planned measures prior to a medical intervention and how their consent must be obtained. The procedure must be observed by all clinics, institutes and areas of the hospital in which medical interventions are carried out. The VA should be applied to medical interventions in healthcare in the same way as in clinical research. to the process instruction here 1.2.02_00_qm_beratung_entscheidungDownload 3 Description 4 Risks 5 Resources 6 Documentation 7 Responsibility 8 Notes and comments 9 Applicable documents 9.1 Literature 9 .2 Terms Edit Attachments Sample for the intervention list: 1.2.02_01_qm_eingriffslisteDownload Sample declaration of consent: 1.2.02_02_qm_mustereinwilligung_bluttransfusionDownload Sample for a conversation note: 1.2.02_03_qm_gespraechsnotizDownload Sample for a ready-made conversation protocol: 1.2.02_04_iq_muster_gesprachsprotokollDownload 1.2 Patient orientation - Previous 1.2.01 Declaration of patients' rights Next - 1.2 Patient orientation 1.2.03 Second opinion