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The QM manual for the entire hospital

1.3 Employees

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 78 views Authors

Hospital services are services. Patients experience them as personal care and attention from employees, regardless of which professional group they belong to. The management will organize the operation of the hospital in such a way that the interests, expectations and life paths of the employees are respected and their skills are promoted.

To this end, the management should apply methods of personnel management that meet the special requirements of the relationship between doctors, nursing staff and patients.

The working environment should be designed in such a way that outstanding performance can be achieved. The willingness of employees to make a high level of personal commitment should be made available to the hospital, but not exploited. The management should recognize the performance of its employees and evaluate it in a comprehensible manner.

The guidance of staff through to the planning of doctors' further training should be organized and implemented in a comprehensible manner. Their professional development should be promoted. The content of the training measures and methods for checking whether the objectives have been achieved should be set out.

Staff should be selected in a procedure based on comprehensible criteria. There should be rules for the advertising of positions.

Employees' careers should be planned and periodically reviewed by the management with regard to the expectations of the employee and the hospital.

Management should ensure that employees understand the tasks assigned to them, the goals to be achieved and their own ethical responsibility. They should be able to recognize that the value of the hospital service for the patient only arises through their personal contribution.

The hospital management ensures that all departments and areas have sufficient staff available at the right time, who are qualified and adequately trained for their tasks.

To this end, the tasks of the employees are set out in job descriptions.

In a personnel allocation plan, the departments should be assigned a headcount in accordance with their tasks and scope of services. The plan must be reviewed periodically for appropriateness. Arrangements must be made for staff equalization.

The hospital should only employ staff who at least meet the statutory requirements for training and further education of the professional groups. For all other employees who are not subject to professional regulations, the education and training requirements are determined.

In the case of new hires, relocations or the introduction of new processes, there is a planned induction into the new task.

Employees should be aware of the objectives of environmental protection. Their competence in this area should be developed.

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