4.2.11 The hospital in the public eye Estimated reading: 1 minute 392 views Authors Goal and purpose The hospital's public relations work serves to present the hospital to the outside world and to communicate with the hospital's employees. The hospital must actively shape its public image. The media of communication can be the local press, radio, television, video films, the homepage on the Internet, but also the hospital radio station and the internal newsletter. The hospital should establish appropriate and easily accessible means of communicating with patients, such as a telephone announcement service, brochures, notices, information on medical treatments, maintaining close contact with referring doctors, initiating reports in newspapers or in neighbourhood groups (associations, self-help groups), offering open days. The communication content must be regularly checked to ensure that it is up-to-date and clear. Application Description of the process Risks Resources Material Time required Documentation Responsibility and qualification Notes and comments Applicable documents Validation documents Terms Attachments 4.2 Communication and marketing - Previous 4.2.10 QM annual report Next - 4.2 Communication and marketing 4.2.12 Sponsoring organisation