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QM according to DIN EN 15224 / ISO 9001

2.4.02 Visit

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 475 views Authors

1 Purpose and objective

The requirements for regular counselling and review in the individual treatment process (ward round) should be established. Problems of communication, distribution of tasks, involvement of other professional groups, documentation and integration into the daily routine must be solved.
- Daily ward round by ward doctor
- Together with nursing staff
- Consultation of other specialists. Pharmacist, social services
- In the intensive care unit on every shift
- Senior physician rounds
- Chief visit
- Personal behaviour during the visit
As a rule, medical rounds are held at least once a day, including weekends. Senior physician or head physician rounds are generally held at least once a week.

2 Application

On the wards of the department

3 Description

3.1 General rules

The ward rounds are carried out across all professions. They are led by the ward doctor. Participants include a representative from nursing, the medical service and, if necessary, physiotherapy.
They are carried out as curve and bed visits.
The results and specifications are entered directly into the Cardex during the visit.

3.2 Frequency

Ward rounds by ward physician daily Senior physician rounds on call by the ward physician, once a week by the director of the department or his/her deputy

3.3 Further visits

Visit by the pharmacist in the "clinical pharmacy" programmeEdit

4 Documentation

In the Cardex

5 Resources

5.1 Time required

Ward A ward round between 8:00 and 11:00 Ward B ward round between 8:30 and 11:00 Senior doctor ward round up to 30 minutes depending on the problem

6 Responsibility, qualification

Ward physician for implementation, possibly involving the senior physician

7 Notes and comments

8 Applicable documents

8.1 Literature, regulations

KTQ ® Criterion 1.4.4 (2009 or 1.3.8 (5.0)

8.2 Terms


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