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The QM manual for the entire hospital

2.4.09 Team meetings and case conferences

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 408 views Authors Avatar photo

1 Aim and purpose

The members of the team meet regularly to discuss current issues and problems.

The procedure for meetings relating to treatment cases (histology conference, operating theatre meeting) should be defined. The questions asked and the decisions made at the end should be documented. If the critical assessment of treatment processes gives rise to corrective measures, these should be communicated to the QM coordinator to ensure that they are followed up.
Intercollegial coordination of therapy decisions
Clarification of procedural organisational problems for individual therapy projects

2 Application

Regular events as part of process control

3 Description

3.1 Internal departmental case conference ==== Day, time (place?)
Participants: ?
Presentation of (how many?) treatment cases with discussion
Preparation of the case presentation by the ward physician
Who selects the cases?
Minutes are / will not be taken.

3.2 Interdisciplinary colloquium

Day, time, place
Participants: (Which hierarchical level? Which specialist status?)
Presentation of (type of) patients for surgical therapy.
X-ray images are shown.
Who prepares?
Minutes will be taken by (name) and sent to the participants.

3.3 Time required

Approximately how long do the sessions last?

4 Documentation

or: The internal departmental case discussion is used for supervision and subsequent reflection - minutes are not taken.

5 Responsibility, qualification

Ward doctor: Proposal for the presentation of (all?) case conferences

6 Notes and comments

7 Applicable documents

7.1 Literature, regulations

QM-RL G-BA:2015 § 4 sentence 4, 6th emphasis

7.2 Terms

Hamburg, 24 March 2005 U. Paschen


Appendix 1: Protocol (example)

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2.4.09 Team meetings and case conferences

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