3.1.04 Authorised representative system Estimated reading: 2 minutes 531 views Authors 1 Aim and purpose In order to protect the public, employees, nature and special property, the legislator has prescribed the appointment of authorised representatives or persons with special duties for particularly dangerous equipment or systems. In addition, the Executive Board has appointed employees with special duties without any legal obligation to do so (employees with special functions, authorised representatives in the broader sense). The following describes which authorised representatives and employees with special functions are to be appointed or have been appointed and what must be observed when appointing them. The tasks, competences and working methods of the authorised representatives, such as the hygiene officer, equipment officer, radiation protection officer, safety engineer, etc. should be described in detail. Some of the tasks are derived directly from laws or regulations. 2 Application Officers are appointed by the managers responsible for their area of responsibility.The Executive Board appoints representatives who are responsible for the entire hospital through the respective responsible member of the Executive Board. The representatives have a fixed place in the organisational structure, so that the appointment is made by filling the corresponding position. The managing directors, department directors and division heads appoint representatives in their operator or employer function. In some cases, the GDs and ADs propose employees for the officer function, who are then appointed by the responsible member of the Management Board. 3 Description of the procedure VA 3.1.4 Authorised representative systemDownload Attachments Sample: OrderDownload 3.1 Responsibility of the management - Previous 3.1.03 Commissions for the professional support of hospital management Next - 3.1 Responsibility of the management 3.1.05 Authorisation of physicians (assistant physicians, physicians with voucher and liquidation authorisation)