


Did you know?

GHP integrates structural and process elements of the organisation, the professional groups, the specialist disciplines and the services that the hospital uses to fulfil its task.

3.6.29 Social services

Estimated reading: 1 minute 182 views Authors

Task Contents depending on the individual case

Guardianship law
- Incentivising support
- Changing the areas of responsibility
- Involvement of the carer
- Inform district geriatric care or social psy. Service (health authority)

Severely Disabled Persons Act\\

- Application or request for reconsideration
- Counselling
- Organise benefits, e.g. with the main welfare office (only for severely disabled persons in employment)

Flat adaptation

- Application for a handicapped accessible flat
- Advise/initiate remodelling measures

Short-term care

- before discharge into the flat
- Cost clarification and organisation

Day/night care

- Daytime organisation not possible without relatives or single person dependent on help at night
- Determining the cost unit and organising the transfer

Final care

- Urgent application for long-term care insurance
- Organise special care and supply requirements


- Conflicts, excessive demands, resources exhausted, coping with illness, assistance

Help with economic problems

- Livelihood jeopardised or no longer available in the event of prolonged illness
- Impending job loss
- KV protection, continued payment of sick pay
- Supplementary assistance for living expenses (BSHG)

Crisis intervention

- Disease management
- Life perspectives
- Everyday coping strategies
- Discover/mobilise resources
- Helping people to help themselves
- Further contacts/therapy

Self-help work

- Do not take on all tasks across the board (focus on the responsible, independent patient)
- Take wishes / fears seriously
- Work towards ensuring that the patient can cope after discharge


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