3.4.29 Operation and recovery after serious disruption to operations Estimated reading: 1 minute 450 views Authors Business Continuity Management Goal and purpose The operation of the hospital must also be maintained under emergency conditions such as fire, failure of the power, water or heat supply or staff shortages (pandemic). Establishment of an operations centre. A risk analysis with corresponding scenarios must be drawn up and compensatory measures planned. A recovery plan must be drawn up following a serious incident or disaster. Operation of emergency power generators, failure of water supply, response to information technology crashes Area of application Description of the Resources Risks Documentation Responsibility and qualification Notes and comments Applicable documents Literature DIN EN ISO 22301:2020-06 Security and resilience - Business continuity management system - Requirements Attachments 3.4 Resources - Previous 3.4.28 Transport of dangerous goods Next - 3.4 Resources 3.4.30 Technical means of communication