1.3.24 Employee appraisal on target agreements Estimated reading: 3 minutes 132 views Authors Download the process instruction as PDFDownload Goal and purpose The management holds regular discussions with the medical staff on career planning and the agreement of project goals. The meetings serve to provide information and feedback on the progress and status of the medical staff member's further training. Training and further education, integration into the working group and further professional development should be harmonised and planned, and new priorities should be addressed. Employees are given the opportunity to formulate their ideas, goals and wishes. Emphasise individual aspects in the task definition and mutual transparency of expectations. Application The interviews with medical staff are conducted by the director of the department, with nursing staff by the head of nursing and with other professional groups by the senior physician responsible for personnel. Staff appraisals in the nursing service follow the instructions for "structured staff appraisals". The meetings are held at least once a year. Description of the Content of the appraisal interview Level of training or further training with regard to diagnostics and therapy Summary of performance in the past period Planning of scientific activities. Ideas about your own professional development Problems working with other employees The department management's objectives are explained. Both dialogue partners should common Formulate goals. During these discussions, wishes can be expressed by both sides. There is room for constructive criticism here. The employee appraisals do not have a controlling function; rather, they are intended to offer all employees an opportunity to express their opinions and to further develop their skills in line with the departmental objectives. The content of the appraisal is based on the appraisal protocol (see appendix) and addresses not only the changes that have taken place but also the goals that have been achieved. It is important to analyse why some targets were achieved but not others. New goals are agreed. Participants Staff appraisals are conducted confidentially between the respective line manager (medical director and/or responsible senior staff physician, head of nursing) and the employee. In the case of controversial topics, a representative of the staff council or the women's representative of the hospital can be consulted at the request of a participant in the discussion. Time required Employee appraisal every 6 to 12 months. Duration approx. 1 hour. Documentation The appraisal interview is recorded on the form in Appendix 1. The employee and line manager receive a copy. If points relevant to labour law have been agreed, the original of the minutes must be filed in the personnel file. Responsibility, qualification Invitation to an interview by the line manager. Department director: Discussions with senior physicians and physicians Senior staff physician. With medical staff (non-medical, except nursing) Nursing management: Discussions as "structured staff appraisals" (see there) Not applicable Notes and comments Agreements that are effective under labour law require further formal agreements in addition to the interview. Applicable documents Further training regulations of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association Edit Attachments Minutes of appraisal interviewDownload Invitation to appraisal interviewDownload Form for target agreementDownload Preparation for the supervisorDownload Development and qualification planDownload Interview guideDownload Preparation for the employeeDownload Review of the results *Download 1.3 Employees - Previous 1.3.23 Public image (corporate identity) Next - 1.3 Employees 1.3.25 Acceptance of rewards and gifts