3.1.03 Commissions for the professional support of hospital management Estimated reading: 2 minutes 62 views Authors 1 Purpose and objective The management appoints commissions to advise the hospital management. The position of the commission should be defined. 2 Scope of application Drug CommissionHygiene CommissionHealth and safety subsidy Transfusion CommissionDownload Statutes of the Transfusion CommissionDownload 3 Description Rules of procedure are drawn up for the committees (see references) The members are appointed personally by the management if they are not members of a committee by virtue of their position. The procedure for the management, the convening, the procedure and the recording of minutes should be defined.A meeting schedule for the ordinary meetings is defined for each committee:- Frequency of meetings per year- Dates of the meetingsThe meeting dates are planned in advance in January. Members are notified of the pre-scheduled dates. 3.1 Time required - Technical management: 2 working days per meeting- Chairman: 2 hours for preparation and follow-up, 2 hours for travelling to the meeting venue and participation- Conference members: 1-2 hours for preparation and follow-up, 2 hours for travelling to the venue and participation 4 Documentation Written minutes are prepared for each meeting by the technical management, stating the date of the meeting, the location, the duration of the meeting, the members present and the members absent with or without apologies. The minutes should be structured according to the items on the agenda and summarise the course of the meeting. If documents (statements, recommendations, opinions) are adopted, the numerical voting result should be stated. At the request of a group, a vote can be attached to the minutes as a separate document. The minutes should be submitted for approval as the first item on the agenda of the following meeting. 4.1 Other records: - Invitations- Table templates- Protocols with attachments- Address list of conference members- Internal correspondence (if applicable) 5 Notes and comments None 6 Responsibilities Chairman of the Commission: chairs the meetings and has the right to convene special meetings (if stipulated in the statutes)Technical management: Can be appointed by the Chairman for organisational management 7 Applicable documents 7.1 Literature, regulations Rules of procedureLetter of appointment Law regulating the transfusion system (Transfusion Act - (TFG) 11.5.2023 Ordinance on Hygiene and Infection Prevention in Medical Facilities (HygMedVO) NRW 7.2 Terms Commission: Permanent organisation of the hospital management with formal working methods and decision-making with appointed members. Attachments Enclosure l: Example invitationDownload Appendix 2: Example protocolDownload Appendix 3: Annual planning of meetings 3.1 Responsibility of the management - Previous 3.1.02 Organisational structure (organisation chart) Next - 3.1 Responsibility of the management 3.1.04 Authorised representative system