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3.2.03 Behaviour in the event of accidents at work

Estimated reading: 6 minutes 41 views Authors

1 Aim and purpose

- Informing employees about what to do in the event of accidents at work .
- Correct fulfilment of all reporting and notification obligations arising from accidents.
Avoidance of reminders or enquiries from the responsible authorities
- Investigations into the causes of accidents should be carried out systematically and according to a standardised method.
- Measures to prevent the recurrence of an accident should be defined, implemented and checked for effectiveness.

2 Application

All areas The procedure following radiation accidents is the subject of procedural instruction 3.2.06 "Radiation protection service instruction".

3 Description

3.1 Accident reporting and first aid

Immediate assistance/first aid in the event of accidents at work is preferably provided by the doctor responsible for the work area, e.g. ward doctor, another available doctor or an employee available at short notice who has demonstrably taken part in first aid training. Further medical care is provided by the doctor in charge of the surgical outpatient department, unless the accident is a minor accident (see section 8.1 for definition). All accidents at work, including minor accidents, must be entered in the first-aid book of the respective work area.
The employees involved in the accident are obliged to do so. The following information is required:

  • Date and time of the accident
  • Surname, first name of the accident victim
  • Preliminary cause of the accident
  • Injured body part
  • Witnesses may include those who did not see the accident directly.

If there is no entry in the first-aid book, it may not be possible to enforce justified claims by the injured employee against the employers' liability insurance association - e.g. in the case of consequential damage. In the case of accidents at work that are treated by the D doctor, documentation is also provided in the form of the D doctor's report. The first aid book is located in the first aid box of the respective area. In the nursing wards, this is the ward room. In the functional areas, the room in which the first aid box is located is labelled with a white cross on a green background. The location of the first-aid box is made known to employees during their initial induction or during instruction in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The company doctor is responsible for checking the first aid books. The contents of the first-aid box are checked at least once a month by the relevant safety officer (Appendix 4) and the check is documented (Appendix 5).

3.2 Accidents with serious injuries or incapacity to work

The following must be presented to the surgical outpatient department: - all injuries that may result in incapacity to work for more than three days so that a D medical report can be prepared for the employers' liability insurance association.e.g. small cuts during all nursing activities - dirty injuries - injuries with suspected foreign bodies in the wound - burns or scalds - chemical burns - eye injuries

3.3 Occupational accidents treated by an external D-Arzt

Accidents at work suffered by employees of the hospital that occur outside the hospital, e.g. on the way to or from work or on business trips/errands, can be presented to an external D doctor. In this case, the external D doctor sends the medical report to the BGW and gives the certificate of incapacity for work to the injured employee. The employee should ensure that the section "Accident at work" is ticked on the certificate. The employee is obliged to hand this certificate to the HR department. The HR department will then arrange for the accident report to be drawn up. If this is not done, a discrepancy arises at the BGW between the number of reportable accidents at work documented in the D medical reports and the number of accident reports and an information gap arises at the HR department and the occupational safety specialist, which prevents an investigation into the causes of the accident. The HR department should therefore compare the reports and notifications once a year with the technical supervisor responsible for the hospital (phone).

3.4 Notification to the HR department

The attending physician at the surgical outpatient clinic issues a certificate stating that the employee has received medical treatment for an accident at work and forwards this certificate to the HR department.

3.5 Messages

To the company doctor, the occupational safety specialist and the employee representatives The company doctor, the occupational safety specialist and the employee representatives are legally obliged to determine the causes of accidents at work and occupational illnesses as well as accident black spots and to propose measures to the management to reduce them. For this reason, the company doctor ( ) receives the D medical reports from the D doctor. The occupational safety specialist, the employee representatives and the HR department receive a copy of the administrative part of the D medical report.

3.6 Notification to the authorities

Accidents at work resulting in more than three calendar days' absence from work must be reported to the district administration of the Employer's Liability Insurance Association for Health and Welfare (City) xxxxx Str. yyy, xxxxx and the district government (Occupational Safety, Inspection Services), Borchersstr. 20, 52072 Aachen using the "Accident Report" form. The accident report must be signed by the managing director or his/her deputy, a member of the employee representative body and the contact person for the authorities nominated by the management. In the HOSPITAL, the accident report form is filled out by the injured employee him/herself with the support of the HR department as far as possible. In the case of stab wounds and cuts, the D doctor scrutinises the course of the accident and records it in writing in the D doctor's report. The management then sends the accident report to the authorities.

3.7 Investigating the cause of accidents at work

In the HOSPITAL, this task is mainly carried out by the company doctor, who also checks the first-aid books during inspections and asks employees about the sources of accidents. In the case of stab and cut injuries, he analyses the D medical reports and, if necessary, initiates measures to prevent recurrence

3.8 Annual accident statistics

Based on the entries in the first-aid books and the accident reports, the occupational safety specialist carries out an annual statistical analysis of accidents by accident type, e.g. stab wounds and injured body part, in order to recognise accident black spots.

3.9 Corrective measures

Every reportable accident at work is discussed by the occupational health and safety committee with regard to the course of the accident and the results of the accident investigation by the company doctor and the occupational health and safety specialist, and measures are defined to prevent a recurrence. The accident statistics are also presented and discussed in the occupational safety committee. Corrective measures are defined. The implementation of the corrective measures is monitored by the occupational safety specialist. Their effectiveness is evaluated by the health and safety committee.

4 Documentation

Accident reports to the management D- Medical reports to the medical officer and company doctor (CA Accident Surgery) First-aid books in the individual work areas Minutes of the Occupational Safety Committee Reports from the company doctor and the occupational safety specialist on accident events Annual accident statistics

5 Resources

Time required by surgical outpatient clinic Time required by company doctor Time required by management MAV Time required by occupational safety specialist Time required by HR department Time required by management

6 Responsibility, qualification

Accident investigations: Occupational safety specialist Reporting obligations: Management

7 Notes and comments

8 Applicable documents

8.1 Literature

Occupational Health and Safety Act Occupational Safety Act Social Code VII BGV A1 BGR A1

8.2 Terms

8.2.1 Accident

A temporary event affecting the body from the outside that leads to damage to health or death.

8.2.2 Accident at work

An accident at work is an accident during an insured activity of a person insured with the employers' liability insurance association

8.2.3 Minor accident

An accident with an incapacity to work of no more than three calendar days.

8.2.4 Occupational disease

Illnesses suffered by insured persons as a result of an activity for which insurance cover is provided (catalogue recognised by the Ordinance on Occupational Diseases).

8.2.5 Insured activity

All official activities to be performed by an employee on the basis of his/her employment contract/contract of service with KRANKENHAUS.

9 Systems

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3.2.03 Behaviour in the event of accidents at work

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