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QM according to DIN EN 15224 / ISO 9001

3.2.04 Correcting safety deficiencies

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 68 views Authors

1 Aim and purpose

Supporting the directors in implementing the safety requirements of supervisory bodies (e.g. Occupational Health and Safety Office (AfA), State Accident Insurance Fund (LUK), fire brigade)

2 Application

All areas of the KRANKENHAUS valid.

3 Description

3.1 Defect report

The reports of the supervisory bodies are sent to the directors. The Director of Operations and the occupational safety specialists each receive a copy of the reports of the supervisory bodies from the directors.

3.2 Schedule

FA draws up a schedule that includes the following points:

RangeDeficiencyImplementation deadlineCorrective actionSpecialist departmentTimetable

3.3 Action plan

The Director draws up a plan of measures and priorities with the involvement of the Central Service and the advice of the FA. The Director submits the implementation request to the Central Service. The Central Service draws up a cost and time schedule. The application is approved by the Executive Board if necessary.

3.4 Control

The FA receives feedback on the order placed (e.g. copy of the order form) from the Director. The FA receives feedback on the status of implementation from the Central Services (e.g. order form with completion note).
The FA checks compliance with the deadlines and notifies the Director (for information, the Director of Operations) before the deadline expires (usually 1 week). If necessary, the director provides feedback to the supervisory body.

3.5 Reporting

FA draws up a half-yearly safety report for the Executive Board based on the list of dates.

4 Responsibility, qualification

DirectorsSend a copy of the defect reports to DB and FA
Decision on action and prioritisation plan
Submit application to the Central Service, if necessary to the Executive Board, in writing to FA
Feedback to the supervisory authority if necessary
Central serviceCreation of a plan of measures and priorities
Creation of a cost and time schedule
Implementation of the measures
Feedback to FA
FADeadline monitoring
Participation in the preparation of the action and prioritisation plan
Advice on implementation
Board of DirectorsApproval of the application

5 Documentation

Correspondence is documented both with the directors (collective folder on occupational safety) and with the FA.

6 Notes and comments

Not applicable

7 Applicable documents

Act on Company Doctors, Safety Engineers and other Occupational Safety Specialists (Occupational Safety Act AsiG) 12 April 1976 BGBl

8 Terms

AfA Office for Occupational Safety
D Directors, here: GD Managing Director of the clinic or institute, AD Department Director, ÄD Medical Director for the medical department, KD Commercial Director for the administrative department, DB Director of Operations
FA Occupational safety specialists
LUK National Accident Insurance Fund
VA Procedural instruction


  • Elimination of safety deficiencies

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