3.2.15 Health and safety committee Estimated reading: 4 minutes 160 views Authors 1 Aim and purpose The management shall set up an occupational health and safety committee in accordance with Section 11 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It shall issue rules of procedure for the committee. 2 Application The Occupational Safety Committee is responsible for Hospital. 3 Description 3.1 Tasks of the health and safety committee The occupational health and safety committee has the task of advising on matters relating to occupational health and safety and accident prevention at St. Katharinen-Hospital. The main areas of consultation are - Advice on measures for special groups of people, e.g. trainees, new employees, severely disabled persons, foreign employees - Discussion of investments for occupational health and safety at work - Regular evaluation of accident history, including work-related illnesses - Development of proposals for operational occupational safety measures - Advice on proposals for the implementation of operational occupational health and safety focus programmes, e.g. avoidance of needlestick injuries, avoidance of tripping accidents and foot injuries, implementation of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, implementation of the Industrial Safety Ordinance, discussion and approval of the procedural instructions on occupational health and safety in the hospital's quality management manual - Participation in the implementation and evaluation of regular company inspections - Consultation on the results of risk assessments 3.2 Personnel composition The members of the Health and Safety Committee are appointed by name by the Managing Director. They are- the Deputy Administrative Director as the member of the Management Board responsible for occupational health and safety - the head of the employee representative body - Second member of the employee representative body - the occupational safety specialist - the company doctor - 7 safety officers from the divisions/departments - Nursing Director Each member has equal voting rights. The Health and Safety Committee is quorate if two thirds of the members are present. The Health and Safety Committee advises the Managing Director. It has no authority to issue instructions with regard to advice and decision-making. 3.3 Chairmanship The committee is chaired by the Deputy Administrative Director. He issues invitations to the meetings and chairs the meetings. If necessary, he is represented by the Managing Director (Mr Schall). 3.4 Secretary The head of the committee has assumed the role of secretary. 3.5 Minutes of meetings Minutes are taken for each meeting of the Health and Safety Committee. They must be sent to all members of the committee at the latest with the invitation to the next meeting. The minutes shall list the names of the participants. 3.6 Meeting dates Ordinary meetings of the Health and Safety Committee are held quarterly. They are scheduled at each meeting for the following meeting. Additional extraordinary meetings may be scheduled in the event of special incidents, e.g. a serious accident. 3.7 Invitation The invitation is sent by hospital post or e-mail at least 14 days before the meeting. 3.8 Agenda Proposals for the agenda must be submitted to the committee chairman in good time before the meeting. Requests for changes or additions to the agenda can be made by all members of the committee. The agenda is sent to the members with the invitation prior to the meeting. The agenda begins with the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. It always includes the item "Miscellaneous". 3.9 Working documents Working documents on the agenda items are sent out with the invitation. 3.10 Advice from experts or specialists Other internal and external experts, e.g. other hospital representatives or external consultants, may be invited to the meetings of the Health and Safety Committee on a case-by-case basis to discuss specific issues. 3.11 Resolution procedure The committee formally votes on recommendations to the Executive Board. The result is recorded in the minutes (number of votes in favour, against and abstentions). 4 Documentation Letters of invitation, agendas, working documents and minutes of meetings are verification documents in the quality management system and must be available at all times, e.g. for inspections by the authorities. The originals are stored by the committee chairman in a file folder with a label on the spine: Health and safety committee minutes filed and stored in the office of the head of administration for at least 10 years. 5 Resources Time required by members: at least 4 meetings per yearInvitation, minutes, dispatch: 2 hours 4 times a yearDuration of the sessions: approx. 60 minutes 6 Responsibility, qualification Chairman: Experience in the management of committees and decision-making authorityMembers: Expertise in occupational health and safetyChairman of the Committee: Documentation, Archiving: 7 Notes and comments The occupational health and safety committee advises the hospital's managing director directly and can propose binding regulations for occupational health and safety. 8 Applicable documents 8.1 Literature § Section 11 of the Occupational Safety Act (ASiG) 8.2 Terms Creation date: February2008 Creator: Stuch/S.Böhm Attachments List of membersDownload 3.2 Occupational safety, health and radiation protection - Previous 3.2.14 Workplace infrastructure and design of the working environment Next - 3.2 Occupational safety, health and radiation protection 3.2.16 Special approvals - authorisation certificate for hazardous work