


Did you know?

GHP integrates structural and process elements of the organisation, the professional groups, the specialist disciplines and the services that the hospital uses to fulfil its task.

3.1 Responsibility of the management

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 486 views Authors

The tasks, responsibilities and competences of the hospital management must be defined. This includes

  • Creation of the quality policy
  • Identification of priority intentions for setting quality objectives, including environmental protection objectives
  • Definition of the responsibility and authorisation of personnel in managerial, executive and supervisory functions
  • Regulation of professional and administrative management and formal authorisation of the tasks and objectives of the individual hospital departments
  • Ensuring cooperation between professional groups and departments
  • Ensuring the timely and continuous provision of hospital services
  • Responsibilities for environmental protection
  • Appointment of a member of the management who is authorised to define, implement and maintain the QM system and assess its performance
  • Setting up and implementing the elements of the QM system
  • Setting short, medium and long-term quality targets. From this, drawing up a quality development plan and monitoring its realisation
  • Establishment of a QM group with organisational independence and circumscribed powers
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of the QM system at fixed intervals
  • Determination of general equipment and catering standards (requirement class)
  • Selection, deployment and development of personnel
  • Provision of the necessary and appropriate resources, such as rooms, equipment and materials
  • Checking the quality of all medical services provided by other service providers on behalf of the company
  • Realisation of official requirements
  • Securing financing by drawing up an annual budget and medium to long-term planning of fixed capital
  • Establishment of a procedure for early risk detection.

The financial basis of the hospital must be planned through sound planning of the annual budget, medium to long-term investments and replacement requirements. The statutory regulations must be observed.

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3.1 Responsibility of the management

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