5.3.13 Notification of cross-organisational registers Estimated reading: 1 minute 189 views Authors Purpose and goal Instruction to pass on data to cross-institutional reporting registers (CIRS). Selection of reports on adverse events (critical incidents) that may be of cross-organisational interest. Selection of the register to be reported to. Sending a CIRS report to the selected register QM-RL:2015 § 4 (1) - Error management and error reporting systems; Part B § 2 Area of application Reports of adverse events that are of general interest. Processing to the process instruction here Download Attachments CIRS medical maskDownload Reporting in a CIRS registerDownload APS concept for CIRSDownload 5.3 Dealing with risks and opportunities - Previous 5.3.12 Behaviour in the event of theft, burglary, robbery Next - 5.3 Dealing with risks and opportunities 5.3.14 Evaluation of external reports on AEs and errors