5.4.07 Carrying out projects Estimated reading: 2 minutes 163 views Authors Goal and purpose Plans to improve existing or create new structures or processes are organised as projects. They are tasks outside of the hospital's regular activities. Projects are usually organised across departmental and professional boundaries and require close cooperation between people who do not usually work together. In a project, professional knowledge and commitment are more important than position or professional group. The employees relevant to a new task must be represented.This VA explains how a project assignment is created, how a project plan is drawn up and how projects are embedded in a work breakdown structure. This also includes considerations regarding the requirements for the project manager and the composition of the project team.Presentation of the process from the selection of topics to the establishment of working groups, the procedures, the form of reporting and the decisions arising from the results of the project work. For projects, a person responsible must be appointed, resources made available and a schedule drawn up. DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and DIN EN 15224:2017 10.3 Application Projects commissioned by the organisation's management Description of the process See VA in the appendixDownload Risks Resources Material Time required Documentation Responsibility and qualification Notes and comments Applicable documents Validation documents Terms Attachments Project planDownload Project plan explanationDownload Project reportDownload Project folder contentDownload Misunderstandings between project and quality managersDownload 5.4 Improvement measures - Previous 5.4.06 Problem-solving and improvement techniques Next - 5.4 Improvement measures 5.4.08 Introduction of new treatment procedures