


Did you know?

GHP integrates structural and process elements of the organisation, the professional groups, the specialist disciplines and the services that the hospital uses to fulfil its task.

Clinical Trial Manual

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 188 views Authors

0 Introduction

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is a comprehensive quality management system (QM system) that was developed for the clinical testing of medicinal products and medical devices. The QM system is based on the guidelines of the European Community and the International Conference on Harmonisation on Good Clinical Practice. It incorporates elements of the ISO 9000 family and the requirements of the Declaration of Helsinki. A conformity check (internal audit or certification) is intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of the elements.

0.1 Good practice in research

In Germany, anyone who clinically tests medicinal products must fulfil the requirements of GCP/ICH. The regulatory authorities only recognise trials that have been confirmed as GCP-compliant by an "independent third party". It is not sufficient for clients from the pharmaceutical industry to rely on their own good experience with a trial centre or the good reputation of the head or his scientific staff at the trial centre. With "Good Clinical Practice", the IQ Institute has developed a QM system for clinical research in a hospital or medical practice as a trial centre. The QM system is described in 20 elements. The procedural instructions, forms and working methods required for quality certification are assigned to the elements.

0.2 Establishment of test centres

The investigators not only receive the QM manual, but are also advised and supported by Dr. U. Paschen QM-Beratung in the initiation, planning and process organisation. Dr. U. Paschen QM-Beratung sets up GCP-compliant trial centres and coordinates cooperation with other clinics and medical practices. A number of sample work instructions are available that can be adapted to local circumstances.

0.3 Conducting clinical trials

Dr U. Paschen QM-Beratung provides quality assurance in the planning, conduct and reporting of GCP-compliant trials, data transfer and biometrics, contract design and study coordination.

0.4 Research contracts

In the case of research contracts from industry, the DFG or tenders from the federal ministries and participation in public tenders, the QM elements of the GCP are applied analogously for the proof of quality. Coordination centres for clinical trials have now been set up at some university hospitals to provide methodological and organisational support for investigators. The elements of the GCP must also be observed here.

0.5 Quality audit

Dr U. Paschen QM-Beratung carries out audits in the planning, monitoring and reporting sections of clinical trials in phases 1 - 4 (protocol audit, in-process audit, on-site audit, on-cause audit, data audit). A special procedure for random sample audits is used for large amounts of data. Dr. U. Paschen QM-Beratung certifies the conformity of a trial centre's QM system with the requirements of Good Clinical Practice. Certificates for trial planning, implementation and reporting are issued for individual clinical trials.

0.6 The elements

Below you will find the list of elements of Good Clinical Practice with the most important procedural instructions and some work instructions. The QM manual contains statements on the elements and further specifications for the implementation of clinical trials.

The QM system is certifiable in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Guide elements

1 SCO Scope Purpose and mandate
2 MAN Management Management of the research organisation
3 SUB Subjects Study participants, including ethics
4 QuS Quality System Quality management system

Cross-process elements

5 PRS Personnel Personnel
6 EQU Equipment Resources (space, equipment, material)
7 PUR Purchase Procurement
8 CSP Customer supplied products Handling of test samples

Process-related elements

9 PRT Protocol Test planning
10 PRC Process Project management
11 CON Conditions Test conditions
12 DAT Data Management Handling data
13 STA Statistics Statistics, biometrics
14 REP Reporting Reporting
15 ARC Archiving Archiving
16 SOP Standard Operating Procedures Working methods
17 EVA evaluation development and validation
18 COM Communication Communication
19 TES Testing Examinations
20 CQI Continuous Quality Improvement Measures for improvement

Status: 2013-05-30

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