5.4.15 Quality development planning Estimated reading: 1 minute 167 views Authors Goal and purpose A corporate development programme is set up in order to respond strategically to changes, e.g. in the political framework conditions, on the part of other service providers. Activities relating to personnel development, the expansion or reduction of capacities, the introduction of new technologies and the expansion of performance are continuously pursued.As a result of the comprehensive review of services, service provision and the QM system, the quality objectives are to be confirmed or redefined. The range of services should be adapted in terms of type and scope. A time and resource plan should be drawn up for processing.The purpose of the changes, the resulting consequences, the integrity of the quality management system and changes in responsibilities and authorisations must be taken into account.The projects and those responsible for them should be named. The projects must be coordinated with each other. The quality development plan should be updated annually as a result of the management review. Application Description of the process Risks Resources Material Time required Documentation Responsibility and qualification Notes and comments Applicable documents Validation documents DIN EN ISO 9001 para. 6.2.1 last sentence; 6.3; 9.3.2; 8.6.6 and DIN EN 15224 additionally para. 6.2.2 f); Q-RL of the G-BA Part A §5 KTQ Terms Attachments 5.4 Improvement measures - Previous 5.4.14 Moderation of quality circles Next - 5.4 Improvement measures 5.4.16 Setting security targets