5.4.08 Introduction of new treatment procedures Estimated reading: 1 minute 174 views Authors Goal and purpose A procedure is to be established to introduce new treatment procedures that improve or supplement the hospital's overall offering. Economic aspects must also be taken into account. To this end, the medical literature and other information must be systematically and continuously monitored and evaluated. New procedures should either be carefully developed in-house or introduced based on validation in other facilities. The introduction should always be planned and systematic. A pilot phase or a review of the treatment plan by an independent third party may be required. Application Description of the process Risks Resources Material Time required Documentation Responsibility and qualification Notes and comments Applicable documents Validation documents Terms Attachments 5.4 Improvement measures - Previous 5.4.07 Carrying out projects Next - 5.4 Improvement measures 5.4.09 Participation in competitions (quality awards)