5.3.17 Screening administrative data Global Trigger Tool Estimated reading: 1 minute 211 views Authors Purpose and goal Patients have the unrestricted right to be informed about adverse events and the circumstances that may have led to them. At the very least, there is an obligation to provide information upon the patient's request or if the information is necessary to avert health risks) BGB §630c para. 2 sentence 2; QM-RL §4 (1) Patient information and education sentence 1; DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and DIN EN 15224:2017 8.2.1 i) Area of application In the event of adverse events (AEs) during or after treatment, in particular if a treatment error is suspected as the cause of the AE. Description of the to the process instruction here Download Attachments 5.3 Dealing with risks and opportunities - Previous 5.3.16 Duty to inform patients in the event of adverse events Next - 5.3 Dealing with risks and opportunities 5.3.18 ZE conference, case discussions, morbidity and mortality conference