5.4.02 Hazard analysis (risk system audit) Estimated reading: 1 minute 173 views Authors Goal and purpose A hazard analysis with subsequent risk audit is to be carried out for all areas of the hospital. Safety measures should be initiated. A report on serious adverse events can also be the starting point for a more in-depth risk analysis. Application Description of the process Risks Resources Material Time required Documentation Responsibility and qualification Notes and comments Applicable documents Literature DIN EN ISO 9001 para. 4.4. h); 5.1.1 i); 6.1.1 d); 10.1; 10.3 DIN EN 15224 para. 6.1.1 a) Terms Attachments 5.4 Improvement measures - Previous 5.4.01 Improving the acceptability of hospital services Next - 5.4 Improvement measures 5.4.03 Corrective and preventive measures