5.3 Dealing with risks and opportunities Estimated reading: 1 minute 183 views Authors The identification of adverse events and the reporting of incorrect services are the duty and responsibility of every single employee of the hospital. The management should ensure that adverse events are investigated impartially. This is the only way to recognise in good time treatment measures in the hospital that were not carried out as intended or were not carried out reliably enough.The consequences of this must be assessed and prevented. If errors have occurred during the provision of services, it must be assessed whether and what influence the errors will have on the result and whether the undesirable consequences can be averted or mitigated by corrective measures. Corrective measures must be introduced to prevent the recurrence of the adverse event. Not only the events occurring in the hospital itself, but also events observed and reported elsewhere and their causes should be taken into account. The effectiveness should be reviewed and evaluated. The financial risks from errors must be estimated for budget planning. NHS England Serious Incident Framework - Supporting learning to prevent recurrence (2015)Download Procedural instruction5.3.01 Report on Adverse Events 5.3.02 Special incident 5.3.03 Incidents involving medical devices 5.3.04 Adverse drug reactions 5.3.05 Information letter on adverse events 5.3.06 Control of non-compliant results 5.3.07 Behaviour in the event of a claim 5.3.08 Settlement of medical claims 5.3.09 Accident statistics 5.3.10 Response to bomb threats 5.3.11 Response to suspected highly bioactive material 5.3.12 Behaviour in the event of theft, burglary, robbery 5.3.13 Notification of cross-organisational registers 5.3.14 Evaluation of external reports on AEs and errors 5.3.15 Reports on UEs to the management 5.3.16 Duty to inform patients in the event of adverse events 5.3.17 Screening administrative data Global Trigger Tool 5.3.18 ZE conference, case discussions, morbidity and mortality conference 5.3.19 Report on fall 5.3.20 Report on pressure ulcers 5.3.21 Report on individual events: Material damage 5.3.22 Care of staff involved in a serious patient injury 5.3.23 Reaction to a runner running amok 5.3.24 Compliance reporting obligations 5.3.25 Dealing with indications of misconduct 5.3.26 Prevention of and help with abuse and violence 5.3.27 Patient safety officer 5 Examination - Previous 5.2 Analysis and validation Next - 5 Examination 5.4 Improvement measures