3.6.04 Blood transfusion service, haemotherapy Estimated reading: 2 minutes 463 views Authors 1 Introduction1.1 Title page1.2 Purpose, user instructions1.1 Table of contents1.2 Telephone directory1.3 Quality policy2 Organisational structure 2.1 Organisation (organisational charts)Download 2.2 Management, blood depot managementDownload 2.3 Transfusion CommissionDownload 2.4 Haemotherapy working groupDownload 2.5 Information, consentDownload 2.5.1 Sample meeting minutesDownload 2.5.2 Sample consent for autologous blood donationDownload 2.5.3 Information on autologous blood donationDownload 2.5.4 HIV test consentDownload 2.6 Quality assurance, self-inspectionDownload 2.6.1 Self-inspection checklistDownload 2.6.2 Self-inspection of autologous bloodDownload 2.6.3 Annual reportDownload 2.7 Premises and equipmentDownload 2.7.1 Satellite depot checklistDownload 2.8 Hygiene measuresDownload 2.8.1 Hygiene plan, personnelDownload 2.8.2 Patient hygiene planDownload 2.8.3 Hygiene plan for areasDownload 2.8.4 Disposal hygiene planDownload 2.8.5 General hygiene rulesDownload 2.9 Introduction of a procedural instructionDownload 2.10 List of blood productsDownload 3 Employees: training, further education 3.1 Transfusion officerDownload 3.2 Transfusion officerDownload 3.2.1 List of transfusion officers in the clinicsDownload 3.3 Head of the blood depotDownload 3.4 Head of immunohaematology/haemostaseology laboratoryDownload 3.5 Other functions in the transfusion system 3.6 Determining training requirements, trainingDownload 3.7 FamiliarisationDownload 3.7.1 Proof of familiarisationDownload 3.7.2 Instruction in the laboratoryDownload 3.7.3 Instruction of assistant personnelDownload 3.8 LiteratureDownload 4 Procurement and handling of blood products 4.1 Determination of requirements, stockpilingDownload 4.2 Acceptance of blood productsDownload 4.2.1 Tinned food acceptance protocolDownload 4.2.2 Plasma acceptance protocolDownload 4.3 StorageDownload 4.3.1 Control listDownload 4.4 Delivery within the organisationDownload 4.5.-1 Transport of blood productsDownload 4.5.-2 Transport and satellite depotDownload 4.6 Short-term storage of blood products in defined satellite depotsDownload 4.7 Return of blood components to the blood depotDownload 4.7.1 Release take-backDownload 5 Immunohaematology/haemostaseology laboratory 5.1 ResponsibilitiesDownload 5.2 Premises and equipmentDownload 5.3 Range of servicesDownload 5.4 Pre-analysis, sample transport/acceptanceDownload 5.5 Diagnostic programme in the event of a transfusion incident6 Transfusion of blood components 6.1 Indication and performance of transfusionsDownload 6.2 Request for blood and blood componentsDownload 6.3 Blood group determination, AK screening test, compatibility testDownload 6.4 Preparatory checksDownload 6.5 Application (access, transfusion equipment, warming technique)Download 6.6 Initiation, monitoring, aftercareDownload 6.7 Emergency transfusionsDownload 6.7.1 WaiverDownload 6.8 Massive transfusionsDownload 6.9 Autologous haemotherapyDownload 6.9.1 Autologous haemotherapy procedureDownload 6.9.2 Provision of blood reservesDownload 6.9.3 Collection protocolDownload 6.10 Treatment of undesirable effectsDownload 7 Reporting obligations 7.1 Reporting undesirable effectsDownload 7.1.1 Notification form for serious transfusion incidents at the PEI7.1.2 Notification of serious transfusion incident Medicines Commission 7.1.3 Internal serious adverse event report form TransfusionDownload 7.1.4 Proof of whereabouts of blood reservesDownload 7.1.5 Proof of registration in the patient fileDownload 7.2 Duty to inform according to § 19 TFG / tracing8 Documentation and archiving 8.1 DocumentationDownload 8.2 Product-related batch documentationDownload 8.2.1 Blood componentsDownload 8.2.2 Plasma derivativesDownload 8.3 Documentation in the blood depotDownload 8.4 Documentation materials8.5 Glossary8.6 Catalogue of recognised rules8.7 Quality recordsEdit Attachments Medical services - Previous 3.6.03 Laboratory: pathology, histology Next - Medical services 3.6.05 Central operating theatre